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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

World Book Day

Dear Parents/Carers

We are excited to be sending out this letter to let you know that we are again taking part in World Book Day on Thursday 4th March 2021.

A Nationwide campaign will be launched to share stories and celebrate our love of books. This year will be a little bit different but we would love to carry on with our tradition of dressing up as our favourite book characters! If you would like to join in, whether you are learning from home or at school, we would love to see your costumes. Teachers will be setting book themed activities on the day and Mrs Cook will be setting challenges on Dojo throughout the week.

There are some super resources to support you at home on the World Book Day webpage, from activities to live events. Follow the link below:

We look forward to seeing all of the costumes and enjoy a day of reading activities together.

Many thanks for your support

Mrs Cook

