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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Remote Learning

Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents

If your child is absent from school and is well enough to complete home learning tasks, we have four separate sections below on our Remote Learning Page to support your child's learning.


The first section is a whole school provision for the Spring Term with links to subjects, e.g. phonics, Mathletics, class reading books, PSHCE and PE. 


The second section contains the learning that is happening in each individual year group.  Teacher videos will be available for English and Maths on the Class Dojo every day.


The third section has resources that you can use to help support Maths and English at home, including Viper style question prompts to aid reading at home and resources for maths including Numicon. 


The final section contains useful educational websites for individual subjects which are linked to our curriculum.


If your child is going to be absent, please telephone the school office to report the absence and contact the class teacher who will then be able to update your child's year group with the week's activities.

Remote Learning Policy

Whole School Home Learning

Spanish Remote Learning Term Units

To log in to the Language Angels home learning for Spanish please use the following username and password: 


Username: StTho7224


Password: lahome


Useful Websites for Remote Learning


All websites below are FREE to use although some may require sign up/login for use. Details are listed below.  Keep checking back on  this page - we will keep adding more useful links and logins as and when we are able.

Some of the following websites may be incompatible with Apple devices as Apple does not  support Flash Player. Some websites will work on Apple devices so please check through. 




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