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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 2

Year 2 have enjoyed many experiences in the Autumn Term:


  • An African drumming workshop where we all got to play a drum and learn new songs.

  • A visit from Father Tony.

  • A cricket coach came in and taught us lots of throwing, catching and batting skills for 7 weeks.

  • Science online Christmas event - Which material would keep Rudolf's nose warm in the winter?


Please see the Year 2 class page and whole school events page for photographs from these event.


In the Spring Term we are looking forward to these experiences:


  • Ready, Steady, Play music sessions provided by Gloucestershire Music for 7 weeks. 

  • A visit from the non-fiction book author Andy Seed

  • A drama and creative writing workshop based on the book 'Where the wild things are'. 

  • A trip to 'All things wild' to support our learning in the science unit 'Living Things and Their Habitats'

Year 2 had a great day at Noah's Ark Zoo learning all about animal habitats

What a fantastic day we had learning all about animal habitats at 'All Things Wild'
