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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Whole School Events

On World Mental Health Day, we raised money for TIC+'s 'Wear it Green' campaign.

This week at St Thomas More has been a week like no other! We have had three days of Jubilee celebrations.  From Royal arts and crafts, to learning about the Queen’s history with fact hunts and research, from Street Parties and fair ground rides to learning Morris Dancing.  Here are just some of our highlights from the week!


Across the school we have been making a range of wonderful crafts to celebrate this special occasion.  We have each made bunting to decorate our school, in a range of different ways.  We have painted and printed our handprints into a Union Flag in Year 1 and drawn pictures of corgis, the Queen and crowns, to name but a few, in other classes.  In Year 5, we have made fingerprint flags and sun catchers.  Across the school we have made such a wide variety of crowns. 


On Tuesday, we had a jam packed day, full of celebrations!  We each got to ride on a Carousel and the Teacups!  It was so much fun! We even welcomed the residents from Monkscroft Care Home to come and join our fun.  It was so lovely to see them!  We then had a street party where our hall had been completely transformed with decorations and we ate our dinner in rows, just like a traditional street party! We spent the afternoon in the sun completing lots of games and activities ran by each teacher i the school.  It was a brilliant day that we will remember for a long time!

We ended the week learning a traditional style of dance.  We had so much fun with our bells and scarves learning to Morris Dance! There was lots of waving, jumping and moving from side to side.  We had to try hard to stay in unison with each other!


We have had a wonderful week celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and learning why our Monarch is quite so special!  We have learnt so much about our history and have made memories that will last a lifetime!

National Science Week - Fizz Pop Workshop - Detectives

National Science Week - Fizz Pop Science Show

World Book Day - Buddy Reading

Celebrating 25 years of World Book Day with a fabulous whole school assembly

Drama workshop based on the story 'Where the wild things are'


The whole school took part in a drama and dance workshop to start off our book week. We shared the story and became the story by acting out the bedroom, the wild things and Max as the King. We had a super session and it will help us with our writing and creative projects this week.

Year 2 children said:


'We were wild like Max, but more wild than him'

'I liked it when we were the royal King'

'My favourite part was when we went back home after our adventure'

'I loved the party moves where we danced from side to side'

Year 5 children said: 


'I loved how energetic it was!'

'I really enjoyed the way we performed each part of the story.' 

'My favourite part was when we acted out the party scene!' 


Year 6 children said: 


'I forgot how much I loved that book!'

'That was a real work out - I've never danced so much' 

Singing Showcase February 17th 2022

EYFS loved singing "The name song" in the singing showcase!

Year 6 Singing their hearts out - "It's all about love"

Science Days!

At St Thomas More we aim to make Science as fun and enjoyable for the children as we can, in order for them to develop a love for the subject and deep interest in the world around them. We organise lots of Science events and days for the children to get fully immersed with Science including visitors and workshops.


What we have enjoyed so far:

Online Christmas Science Day:

EYFS and KS1: The reindeer’s noses get too cold when they’re pulling Santa’s sleigh. We need to make them nose warmers. Which material should we use?


Y3/4: Santa mustn’t wake up sleeping children, but his shoes keep making noisy footsteps. How can you help him by muffling the sound?


Y5/6: Santa’s getting old and he’s finding it hard to carry presents down chimneys. Would a pulley help him?


What we have coming up: 


Y5 - Virtual STEM event about Gliders or Rockets, run by The Smallpeice Trust. 


Whole School Science Week - 14th March.

We have a show and workshop booked with Fizz Pop Science! 



Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Production of 'Lights, Camel, Action'

Reception Online Science Day - Exploring magnets and materials using an exploration bottle!

He's making a list, he's checking it twice...Oh no, he's suddenly realised that he can't get the presents down chimneys! Year 6 investigated pullies today and experimented with different types in order to help Santa solve is problem!

Science Online Session - Year 5 - Would a pulley help Santa?

Santa’s getting old and he’s finding it hard to carry presents down chimneys. Would a pulley help him? We created our own pulleys to find out and investigate it further. 

Celebrating National Poetry Day and World Smile Day!


Please take a look at the video clips below to see our pupils read aloud their poems all about 'What makes us smile'. We hope they make you smile too.

Reception - "I smile when..."

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Year 2's poems 'What makes me smile'

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What makes me smile!

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What makes me smile!

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What makes me smile. Year 5 - Ezra

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World Smile Day

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What makes me smile. Year 5 - Ezra

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Sense of a smile - Year 5 Isaiah

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Sense of a smile

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Sense of a smile

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What makes us smile. By Year 6.

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What makes us smile. By Year 6.

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What makes us smile. By Year 6.

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What makes us smile. By Year 6.

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What makes us smile. By Year 6

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Year 4 innovated Pie Corbett’s poem ‘Mirror of Despair’ and wrote their own poem ‘Mirror of Smiles’.

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Mirror of Smiles

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Mirror of Smiles

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National Writing Day 2021

We celebrated National Writing Day at our school on June 25th 2021. In each class pupils brought in an interesting object to add to a class box. Pupils then chose 3 objects to create a story, diary entry or creative description about. Above are photographs of the objects brought in, plans made and final pieces of writing. Classes loved being independent writers and letting their imagination flow!

During National Smile Month, our whole school had a visit from Emma Mortimer, who is a Dental Nurse. Some of the key messages for better oral health that we heard about were to: 

  •  Brush your teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and at one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use mouthwash and clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss every day. 
  • Cut down on how much sugar you have, and how often you have it

On Thursday 6th May, a very exiting thing appeared in the school hall. It was a Space Dome! All of the children were excited, amazed and in awe and better yet were all able to have a visit into the Space Dome. We became astronauts, saw the planets, visited I.S.S (International Space Station), studied the phases of the moon, constellations and so much more. 

We continued our Space Day by exploring craters through investigations. We began by learning about craters and then considered the question - How are craters formed? Some children explored how the different height would impact the crater, whilst others used different sized balls. We had great fun investigating. 

Reading week and World Book Day

1st-5th March 2021

Challenge 1...Reading in an unusual place!

Challenge 2...reading a factual book

Interesting facts from factual books shared by pupils today..


'The biggest battleship was Yamoto and was build in Japan' - Year 1


'Saturn has the biggest number of Moons over 60!' - Year 3


'Karl Benz invented the first ever car in 1896.The car had petrol engine but it was very slow' - Year 5

Challenge 3...sharing a book!

Challenge a book dressed up in a fancy dress costume!

Our costumes on World Book Day, March 4th 2021

World Book Day - March 2020