St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
Hi everyone!
Hope you are all staying safe and well! It's been absolutely loving checking in with everyone to hear how you've been doing and what you've been up to! Also, a huge thank you to those of you who have signed up to Class Dojo and completed the Questionnaire! If you are yet to do either of these things, please could you do them whenever convenient!
Just a quick note to say that there will be no work set for the coming week that was scheduled to be half term. Having looked at your work, you have all been doing brilliant to keep up the excellent effort and enthusiasm you've all always shown in class. Have a break and have fun! Hope to see you all very soon!
Mr. Ryder
Hi parents! Just a quick reminder that we are carrying out home phone calls just to check up on the children, how they're doing and how they are finding the work that we've set. It may look as though it's coming from an Unknown Number (which I understand can be a nuisance!) but hopefully the chances are it'll be us trying to contact you! Just as a further reminder, PLEASE sign up to Class Dojo if you can! It'll help so much in allowing us to see your children's work and establishing direct contact with us in case you or they have any questions! Also, please fill out the Home Schooling Questionnaire if you are able to and you can upload it to Class Dojo or email it to the school. If you would prefer to answer the questions over the phone then this is fine also, just get in touch via Class Dojo!
Stay Safe and hopefully see you all soon!
Mr. Ryder and Mrs. Keogh
Hello all!
Sincerely hope that you are all staying safe and happy at home. Missing you all terribly!
But on a happier note, whilst we will not officially be having an Easter Holiday, we as a school have decided to not set any work as we have been doing for the past two weeks here on our class page.
However, this does not mean sit glued to your tablets for 2 weeks! Towards the bottom of the class page are a range of activities to get stuck into and enjoy! Don't forget to upload pictures to Class Dojo (link below if you have yet to sign up, thank you to all who have already!) and keep fit, healthy and happy!
Love to you all
Mr. Ryder and Mrs. Keogh
Dear parents,
Whilst the school remains closed, every week we will be uploading work for Year 5 to complete. This will cover all subjects and topics that would have been taught in class. These can be completed in exercise books, homework books or paper/books from home. Please continue with the spellings and homework provided and test your children every Friday.
Hopefully, this situation we sadly find ourselves in will be over as soon as possible and as Year 5 is such a crucial year, it cannot be stressed enough how important it will be for your children to continue their education, to the best of their abilities, at home.
I hope that the children find the work engaging and in many instances, a fun challenge. Above all, the most important task I ask of them is to READ. READ every day, READ to your parents, READ to your brother/sister, READ to your pet. Write book reviews, find similar books to ones you love, read a type of book you would never usually read, write down the meanings of new words you come across and escape into a wonderland of fantasy.
I highly recommend:
I hope to see you all as soon as possible! Stay safe!
Mr. Ryder and Mrs. Keogh
A very warm welcome to our new Year 5s! We have a jam-packed year of both learning and fun this year! We're starting with our topic of 'World War Two', looking at how it affected children of our age at the time and learning about key battles and events during the war. We are very lucky to have two fantastic experiences linked to our topic! The first being our Evacuee Day when we will all dress up and experience a school day like we would have in the 1940s. Later in the year as a final celebration of our topic, we will be visiting the Imperial War Museum in London and seeing a huge number of fascinating exhibits and artifacts from the war itself!
We are so excited to kick-start what is sure to be a fantastic year!
Mr. Ryder and Mrs. Keogh
Year 5 Team