St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
In order for St Thomas More Catholic Primary School to offer our pupils the best possible education, we rely on the combined skills, hard work and dedication of our Senior Leadership Team, Teachers and Teaching Assistants, Governors, Administrators and Support Staff.
Academic Year 2024/2054
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs K Turner - Head Teacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs S Cerikan - Assistant Head/ Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr C Johnson - Assistant Head/ SENDCo/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mrs M Gowan - Lead Practitioner/ RE Lead/ Year 5 Teacher
Middle Leadership Team
Mrs K Cook - Key Stage 1 Lead, English Reading & Phonics Lead/ Year 2 Teacher
Miss N Copson - Key Stage 2 Lead / English Writing Lead/ Year 6 Teacher
Mrs S Counsell - EYFS Lead, Reception Teacher/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Teaching Staff and Support Staff
Reception Genesis
Miss L Dickson - Reception Teacher
Mrs S Counsell - EYFS Lead, Reception Teacher
Mrs J Tupper - Reception Teaching Partner / Breakfast Club Supervisor
Year 1 Joshua
Miss P Price - Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs N Barnes - Teaching Partner
Mrs A Sowa - Teaching Partner
Year 2 Ruth
Mrs K Cook - Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs R Veale - Teaching Partner
Mrs M Wright - Teaching Partner
Miss E Zawadzka - Teaching Partner
Year 3 Samuel
Mr J Banks - Year 3 Class Teacher
Miss C Snell- Teaching Partner
Year 4 Esther
Miss K Towell - Year 4 Class Teacher
Mrs C Johnson - Teaching Partner
Mrs L Acosta - Teaching Partner
Year 5 Isaiah
Miss M Wilson - Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs K Holder - Teaching Partner
Mrs Luisa English - Teaching Partner
Year 6 Jeremiah
Miss N Copson - Year 6 Class Teacher
Mrs C Llewellyn - Teaching Partner
Mrs R Deighton - EAL Intervention Lead / Teaching Partner
Ms J Bradford - Teaching Partner
Mrs V Earnshaw - Pastoral Support Worker
Mrs J Sage-Lloyd - Attendance Officer
Mrs J Blake - Finance Officer
Mrs J McNamara - Administrator
Mr P Tippen - Caretaker
Mrs J Radnidge - Breakfast Club/ Midday Supervisor
Mrs A Sowa - Breakfast Club/ Midday Supervisor
Miss E Zawadzka - Breakfast Club/ Midday Supervisor
Ms S Godwin - Midday Supervisor
Mrs A Rychert - Midday Supervisor