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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education


Welcome to St Thomas More Catholic Primary School! 


Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make, and we are here to help you every step of the way. 

We warmly invite you to visit us and experience first-hand what makes our school so special. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to meet some of our dedicated staff, explore our engaging learning environments, and see our vibrant reception class in action! 

Our nurturing and inclusive approach ensures every child feels valued and inspired to reach their full potential from the start of their learning journey. 

To book a visit or find out more about our Reception intake for next academic year, please contact the school office on 01242 513339 or email We can not wait to welcome you and your child to our school community! 


Applying to our School


EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) / Reception Intake:


Applications for Reception are made between October and January for intake in September.  If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements/Admissions Policy on the link below:

As per our policy we do ask for you to to bring your child's original Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) where we will take a copy and keep with your registration form.  

Please find below the link to our Little Way Catholic Education Trust policies page that includes the LWCET Admissions policy:


Policies – Little Way Catholic Educational Trust

Applying for a school place during the school year (in-year applications)


Gloucestershire County Council In-Year Admissions Guidance Booklet


In Year Admissions In Year Applications are those applications made during the academic year for a school place in Reception (FS) through to Year 6. 

To apply for a place at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Parent/Carer(s) should contact the school directly in the first instance. The child’s Parent/Carer(s) will need to complete an In Year Admissions Common Application Form and send it to the School Office.  The In Year Admissions Common Application Form  is available on the County Council website. Further advice can be sought from the In Year Team


If applying under one of the faith based criteria, a copy of the child's Birth Certificate, Certificate of Baptism or letter from a member of the clergy should also be submitted.  A proof of address are also required to support your application.  This can be read in more detail in the Admissions Policy of that year.


If the School is oversubscribed in a year group, where Parent/Carer(s) request it, the child’s name will be added to a waiting list for 2 months from the latest request to be on the In Year waiting list that will be kept in order of the over-subscription criteria.  It is the Parent/Carer(s) responsibility to contact the school every 2 months. Each added child to the list will require the list to be ranked again in line with the above published over-subscription criteria.


Please read the documents on the County Council website  regarding applying for a place during the academic year and download and fill in the In Year Application form below:  

In Year Admissions Form

School Admission Appeals Guidance for Parents
