St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
The Religious Education (RE) curriculum at St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School is in line with the Guidance provided by the RE Curriculum Directory of the Clifton Diocese and broadly based on the Strategy ‘God Matters’. The teachings of the faith are based around the Catholic Church’s Liturgical year. The pupils revisit the themes on a yearly basis. These lessons are based around scripture.
In addition, we ensure the whole Religious Education curriculum is taught in the light of the Gospel values and actively promotes the spiritual and moral development of our pupils. We also endeavour to ensure the Religious Education curriculum is in line with Bishop Declan’s teaching – Deepen Prayer, Enable Communion and Strengthen Mission.
Through Religious Education we aim to:
Year 5 looked at the symbolism in different pieces of artwork depicting the baptism of Jesus. They looked to see if the Holy Trinity were represented and looked at the accuracy of the artwork, linking to the scripture - Matthew 3:13-17
We learnt all about the important things a priest does during Mass and about the things he uses, including the chalice and the special plates for the bread.
We learnt an alter server helps the priest by getting everything ready before Mass and helping him during the service including carrying the special book of prayers and stories, passing the priest the water and wine and ringing the bell during the extra special parts.
We then learnt about the job of a reader. The reader is usually taken from group of people who have come to Mass.
We walked to St Thomas More Parish Centre, where we had a tour of the church by Mr Comer. We started by looking at the main part of the church and Mr Comer explained what the priest does and where. We then got to walk around the alter to see what the priest can see from where he stands.
We then went into another room where we were able to see the things that the priest uses in Church, such as the chalice, the special plates and glasses and the candles. We even saw the incense holder (which we learnt is only used in very special occasions). We also saw the special clothes that he and the alter servers wear.
Finally, we went in to the chapel where we saw a smaller alter and lots of art work and statues.