St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
Good Afternoon Everyone.
I hope you all enjoyed today’s learning tasks? In preparation for tomorrow's AND Friday’s school closure, below is a list of suggested activities for you to complete over the two days:
RE: Please try to complete one of the previously posted homework challenges (see last week's Dojo message).
Maths: Mathletics - there are more activities online for you to try. Spend 10 minutes on TTRS per day.
Art: Choose a book of your choice and draw a picture of a character (later you will use this to write a description of them).
Writing: Choose a book character of your choice and write a character description of them. Try to describe their appearance as they walk down the street or along a corridor. Think about how they sound, smell, move – remembering to give in-depth detail about their different body parts: from their head to their feet. Be creative. Have Fun. Try to start your sentences with different words and vary your sentence types and lengths. Think of all the different success criteria features we’ve used so far and get lots of them into you writing.
Reading: Read for twenty minutes and then make up 3 different VIPER questions.
Please also remember the sponsored read.
Spellings: Challenge: Create a word search which has all of this week’s spellings hidden in it somewhere:
Please complete all work on whatever paper or device you have as your homework books are still at school.
Many thanks for your understanding and please try to complete whatever you can and I'll see you soon.
Mr Bailey
I hope you all enjoyed today’s learning tasks? In preparation for tomorrow's school closure (6/3/24), below is a list of suggested activities for you to complete throughout the day:
Maths: Mathletics - there are four more activities online for you to try. Spend 10 minutes on TTRS.
Writing: Choose a book of your choice and write a persuasive letter the any character in the book to convince them to do something different.
Reading: Read for twenty minutes and then make up 3 of your own VIPER style questions.
Please also remember the sponsored read.
Spellings: Challenge: Write one paragraph about anything you choose but I needs to include all of this week’s spellings:
Please complete all work on whatever paper or device you have as your homework books are still at school.
Many thanks for your understanding and please try to complete whatever you can and I'll see you soon.
Mr Bailey
In preparation for tomorrow's school closure (5/3/24), below is a list of suggested activities for you to complete throughout the day:
Maths: Mathletics - there are a set of activities online for you to try. Spend 10 minutes on TTRS.
Reading: Choose a book of your choice and write an alternative blurb for the back cover. Please also remember the sponsored read.
Spellings: This week's spellings are:
Write an interesting sentence for each word and don't forget to check out a definition online if you are unsure of the word or it's meaning.
Writing: Follow the link to an English lesson -
Please remember that this is a pre-recorded live lesson and there is no need to post any work on line or to me.
Please complete all work on whatever paper or device you have as your homework books are still at school.
Many thanks for your understanding and please try to complete whatever you can and I'll see you soon.
Mr Bailey
What are British Values?
This afternoon we found out all about them...
Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK. These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.
Year 6 enjoyed a fabulous session with Lesley Parr and Phil Earle talking about their latest books, previous writing project and inspirations.