St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
We hope that you had a lovely weekend. For this last week, we are recapping 2D shapes and finishing off Max's jungle adventure by creating our own safari maps!
Reflecting on this school year, it has been one to remember! It is very hard to say goodbye as a group, especially when we haven't seen some of your children since March, but know that each child has made an impact on us in some way. We wish everyone the most enjoyable summer and we will wave to all of you when you are in Year 1!
Warm Regards,
The Reception Team
Welcome to Week 6! This week we are continuing with Max's adventure in the jungle. We are looking at counting in 2's this week. It might be helpful to have practical resources, such as gathering shoes from the whole family to have as we practice skip counting. There is a video on BBC bitesize to watch to help your child with skip counting in a tangible way, and also the counting activity can be found there. We hope that you continue to send in all of the activities and home learning that you are doing with your child through Tapestry or by emailing Please continue to read with your child and have them read to you at least 3 times this week. If there are any questions or concerns, please email or call the office.
We hope that you have a great week and continue to stay safe.
Warm Regards,
The Reception Team
Week 5 is full of exciting adventures! In literacy, Max journeys through the jungle and meets many interesting animals. In Maths, we are continuing our investigation of money, this time making totals, and different combinations of coins. Have a look at the well being section of the home learning for some great exercises on breathing. Parents, please continue to have your child read to you 3 times a week. As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please email cjones@st-thomasmore, or phone the school office and we will be happy to help you.
Have a great week,
The Reception Team
:We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend enjoying the sunshine. Week 4 finds us exploring money in maths and continuing on with Max the dog's journey in Talk for Writing. Work can be emailed to or sent through Tapestry. Please keep reading with your child 3x per week. Any questions or comments, feel free to email or call the school office.
Have a wonderful week,
The Reception Team
We are beginning a new talk for writing unit this week on The Adventures of Max. Please continue to encourage your child to read to you at least 3 times per week. Thank you for your continued support with everything that your child had been doing over these last few months. If you need any assistance with printing off home learning to collect or any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email or call the school office.
Stay safe,
The Reception Team
We are continuing on with various activities for you to do with your child this week. It is so nice to see the children back at school as well as seeing all of the home learning that is taking place. Please continue to read with you child at least three times in the week. Thank you so much for your continued support in all that you are doing. As always, if there are any questions or concerns please email or call the school office.
Warm Regards,
The Reception Team
The home learning for this week is a series of activities and ideas. Please continue to read with your child, and practice having your child read to you, at least three times per week. Home learning can be evidenced through Tapestry or by emailing photos to Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Cook (depending on your current teacher). Any questions or concerns that you have, please feel free to email your current teacher, or phone the school office.
Warm Regards,
The Reception Team
Hello, it has been so nice to get to talk to some of the children and families this week. I cannot believe that it is already the last week of the term! It has gone by so quickly! We hope you are continuing to stay safe at home. Below are a list of activities to try for the week along with your weekly reading. Remember that the Move More Challenge ends on Friday and all forms/records need to be emailed to me please.
We look forward to seeing you at school when we can,
The Reception Team
Welcome to week 4 of Term 5! We hope you had a restful bank holiday and enjoyed the wonderful weather! This week we look forward to all of the 'Move More' that you are doing with your family; walking, cycling, running all count towards your goal! We hope that you continue to stay safe and we love seeing all of the home learning on Tapestry and through email. We look forward to seeing everyone when we can be together again at school!
Take care and keep reading,
The Reception Team
Hello Everyone,
It is wonderful to see all of your home learning and creative ideas through Tapestry. We hope that you are continuing your reading (at least 3 times per week) and that you are staying safe at home. We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces when we return to school!
Stay safe,
The Reception Team
Welcome to week 2 of term 5! This week we are continuing with Mavis the cat story for Literacy. Our maths activities are all about numbers, measurement and shape. We have added a link below for parents and carers so that you can follow along with daily Letters and Sounds phonics lessons on youtube. We hope that you are continuing to stay safe at home. We look forward to seeing all of your work on Tapestry or through email and we cannot wait until we can see your smiling faces again at school!
Love from,
Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Sullivan, and Mrs. Counsell
Hello Everyone! We hope that you had a safe and happy Easter holidays. Term 5 is here and our literacy for the next two weeks will come from Talk For Writing activities. Our maths activities help to build up our confidence with number sense and recognising shapes in the environment. All activities are listed below in the document. If there are any questions, please email. We love seeing all of your fantastic learning on Tapestry!
Stay safe!
Love from,
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hope
We hope that you are staying safe and well. We love seeing all of your learning on Tapestry and email. We have put together some Easter activities that you can do with your family. We miss you and are looking forward to seeing you at school soon! Happy Easter!
Love from,
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hope
At the beginning of each week we will upload work for your children to do at home. There will be 5 literacy tasks, 5 maths tasks and 5 other tasks including PE, expressive art and design, understanding the world, communication and language, and personal, social and emotional development. Home learning can be shared online through Tapestry or by emailing so that your learning can be recorded in your learning journal. Reading should still take place at least 3 times a week. We hope you enjoy the activities set and look forward to seeing you when we return to school.
Thank you for continuing to share your home learning through Tapestry or by emailing me.
Week Beginning 30.03.2020
Literacy Activities
Maths Activities
Other Activities
Week Beginning 23.03.2020
Literacy Tasks:
Maths Tasks:
Other Tasks:
Welcome to Genesis class! Our topics stem from high quality literature and children’s interests. We are learning about traditional tales such as The Three Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Gingerbread Man.
A New Chair for Baby Bear
The children worked together in pairs to build a new chair for Baby Bear. They needed to decide which materials they would use and negotiate a plan to construct it. Some children chose to use junk modelling in the indoor environment and others used the EYFS outside space to make a chair for Baby Bear.
Porridge Tasting
We followed a recipe to make porridge and tried different toppings. It was fun to be a ‘Have a Go Hawk’ and try the toppings of cinnamon, honey, and jam with our porridge. We then made a graph to show our favourite topping!
We decided to write a recipe to Goldilocks, using our developing writing skills, so that Goldilocks wouldn’t have to keep eating the Bears’ porridge!