St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
Key Information:
Monday - Indoor PE.
Wednesday - Wellie Wednesday (Bring in Wellies and suitable clothes).
Friday - Outdoor PE.
Children are able to wear PE kit into school on the days where we have PE.
If you have any questions about Reception then please speak to Miss Hall on the gate.
Term 6 topic 2021 - Beasts and Bugs
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you have had a lovely and safe half term.
Our next topic is called 'Fantastic Fairy Tales' where we will be retelling traditional tales, as well as experimenting with different materials. We will use lots of imagination to add new characters to the story or to change the ending! Which traditional tales does your child like to read or dress up as? Please email or comment in Tapestry or Dojo so that we can incorporate these into our planning.
Warm regards,
The Reception Team
Dear Parents,
To encourage and foster a love of reading, green reading books will be sent home on Monday and changed on Friday ready for the weekend. We will not be changing books throughout the week. Please try to read with your child three times during the week and write down in the green book the date, story title, and any comments relating to reading including new vocabulary that they might have struggled with or learned.
Currently, your child's book is wordless. We would like to encourage you and your child to look through the story, talk about what you see, and see if you can create the story together with your child.
When your child moves on to word books, they will be able to access our reading scheme, which means that there are three activities to do throughout the week relating that book.
We hope that this clears up any misunderstandings about the reading at home.
Thank you for your continued support with your child's learning. As always, we can be reached by email for any questions or concerns.
Warm Regards,
Reception Team
Welcome to Reception! We are so excited to get to know your children this year! Please make sure that you label your children's clothing, water bottle, and bag so that we can help them to sort out their belongings.
These first few weeks we are getting to know the class routines and are learning who is in our class!
Please do not hesitate to email if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to growing and learning alongside your child.
Mrs Jones and Mrs Hope