Hello and welcome to year 1 Joshua Class!
On this page you will have access to termly homework plans, weekly spelling lists and home learning links and documents.
We will also be sharing some of the learning that takes place in year 1 on this page too. This half term we will be learning about the Great Fire of London in English and in History, we will be looking at Everyday Materials and their Properties in Science and we are learning to play the recorder in our music lessons.
We hope you enjoy looking at our class page.
Best wishes,
Ms Groome and Mrs Watts
English and Science
This term we will be looking at plants in science and the first text we will be writing in English will be an explanation text about how to plant beans. We planted our beans last week, but unfortunately the squirrels saw us planting them and feasted on them later in the day! We will of course be planting new beans later this week, so leave room in your gardens (if you have one) for those wonderful runner bean plants.
Year one have been studying the Easter story during their RE lessons. They shared what they have learned in our Easter liturgy by acting out the Easter story and displaying some of their work.
Please practise the spellings for the week and choose one further task. Homework is due in on Thursday and books will be returned with new spellings on Fridays.
RWI (Read, Write Inc)
RWI is our reading programme. It helps every child to become a confident and fluent reader at the first attempt.
The children
- Learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using simple picture prompts
- Learn to read words using sound blending (‘Fred talk’)
- Read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out.
How Can I use RWI at home?
- Help your child to learn Speed Sounds (Please avoid using letter ‘names’ with early readers)
- Help your child learn to read words by sound blending (‘Fred talk’)
- Help your child read short sentences (‘Ditties’)
- Read their RWI storybook with them regularly.
- There are 3 sets of sounds in RWI (See attached for download)
- There are also Red Words. Red Words do not fit the sound rules and are called irregular. The children learn to read them by sight. (See attached for download)
Reading at home
- Keep reading time relaxed, comfortable and pleasurable
- Find a quiet place with screens turned off
- Make it a special time together
- Establish a routine in the day and read for 10-15 minutes
- Reward any reading with small treats, e.g. stickers, choices, affection
- Talk about book, covers, stories, any written words around the house
- Encourage use of ‘Fred talk’ to work out unfamiliar words
- Join the local library together and use it regularly
- Watch out for any storytelling events, summer reads and reviews of new titles
- Correct too often or too quickly
- Make reading negative, or pressured
- Ignore requests to read any written words
- Feel worried or frustrated with slow progress
- Let younger siblings deface or mistreat books
Questions for Exploring Reading
- What type of book is this?
- Have we read a book like this before?
- What other story is it like?
- What do you think it will be about?
- What is the title? Are there pictures?
- What can you see on the cover?
- Where is this story set?
- When does the story take place?
- What time is the story set in?
- How do you know?
- Can you describe the setting of the story?
- Who are the characters in this story?
- Who is the most important character in the story?
- Who is telling the story?
- Were there any characters that you didn’t like?
- Why does that character behave in that way?
- What do you think might happen next?
- What are the main events in the story?
- What is the problem in the story and how was it resolved?
- What was your favourite part of this story?
- What is the main idea/theme/moral of the story?
Red Words and Set 1, 2 & 3 Sounds