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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

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Stand by Me - Music Project

Year 2 and Year 6 Singing Christmas Carols

Year 4 Reading at Monkscroft Care Facility

On Monday 18th November, some parishioners from St Thomas More parish came to visit school. The Year 5 and 6 Chaplaincy Team showed them around. 


One parishioner described the school by saying 'the Lord is really present'. She also added it was 'enlightening - the shear scope of learning in visual displays is amazing'.

Another parishioner said described the school as a 'lovely school. Children seem so happy'.

It was also said that 'the school is a beacon for our faith'



2023 - 2024

Year 5 Dementia Friends - Session at Monkscroft

Summer Craft at Monkscroft

Chaplaincy Team in their New Vestments provided by the Parish

Easter Craft at Monkscroft Care Centre

Easter Cards for Monkscroft and the Parish

Mass at St Thomas More Parish with Bishop Declan

Community Passion Play

Stand by Me - Music Project

Stand By Me - Music Session with Monkscroft Care Centre

Year 1 and Year 6 Carol Singing at Monkscroft Care Centre

Stand by Me - Christmas Session

Year 5 went to Monkscroft Care Centre to sing some Christmas songs with the residents and Becky. Logan even taught us some makaton to 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'. We all followed and copied him. We wore Christmas hats to spread some Christmas cheer.

Year 5 - Stand by Me - Music Project

This week was our first session at Monkscroft Care Centre. We enjoyed singing songs with the residents and learning more about each other.

Year 6 Jeremiah share their writing and stories with the residents of Monks Croft Care Home

KS2 - Working on our completed Poem with the residents at Monkscroft

Today we went back to Monkscroft Care Centre to work on the completed version of our What makes us happy poem. We listened to Judith read the poem to us all and then we picked lines to read aloud. We recited our poem. Everyone was really proud and loved hearing it. Our next task is to add illustrations to the poem before we submit it to the competition.


'Reading the poem was a really nice thing to do. The residents were really lovely and welcoming. Us being there put a smile on their faces!' reflected Rizvika - Y5 

KS2 - Poetry with Monkscroft

Some KS2 children went to Monkscroft Care Centre to work with some residents to write a poem. The theme was happiness. We worked in groups to write down things that make us happy on different days of the week. One of the residents is going to put all of our ideas together to draft a finished poem. We can't wait to see it! We might even enter it into a competition.

Year 4 - Random Acts of Kindness

During Well Being Week, Year 4 went on a Well-being walk to deliver a 'Random Act of Kindness'. Each child has created a picture to make someone smile and brighten their day. They were then able to post their picture through a letter box. We had a great time and really brightened everyones day. 

Y6 Random Acts of Kindness

Year 6 designed and made motivational posters for our local residents and delivered them in secret - all with the hope of putting a smile on someone's face.

Year 5 - Random Act of Kindness

During Well Being Week, Year 5 went to Monkscroft Care Centre to deliver a 'Random Act of Kindness'. Each child has created a picture to make someone smile and brighten their day. They were then able to give their picture to a resident. We had a great time and really brightened everyones day. 

'I loved being kind' said Miriann. 

'It made me feel happy to see all of their smiles' added Lyra.

2022 -2023

Pupils from Year 2 singing with the residents of Monkscroft care home with the 'Stand by me' project

Christmas Cards for the Residents at Monkscroft Care Centre

Carol Singing at Monkscroft Care Centre

Random Acts of Kindness

Year 6 took drawings (with positive messages) to be shared with the residents of Monkscroft Care Centre. We did this as part of our Random Acts of Kindness. 

Art Through the Generations - exhibition at Cheltenham Library

We created a joint piece of artwork with Monkscroft Care Centre. We created self-portraits and then they were combined with the portraits created by residents and staff. The piece of artwork was displayed in Cheltenham Library in town until the 16th December.

Platinum Jubilee celebrations with Monkscroft Care Centre

Year 4 had a zoom session with residents from Monkscroft Care Centre, where they shared their memories of the Queen's Coronation and previous Jubilees.  We were so surprised to learn that not everyone had a television, and that they met in each other's houses to watch it on a 9 inch television!


Three lovely residents then joined is with our Street Party fun!

Christmas Cards for Monkscroft Care Centre

Random Act of Kindness

During Well Being Week, Year 5 Ezra went to Monkscroft Care Centre to smile and wave from outside. We had drawn lots of pictures to make them smile and loved seeing their smiling faces when we dropped them off. 

Letters to Monkscroft Care Centre

During the school closures Year 5 wrote letters to the residents at Monkscroft Care Centre. We posted our letter and they were well recieved. 

Christmas Card Delivery

KS2 designed and created Christmas cards to be delivered in the local area. 

Games Sessions at Monkscroft

During December 2019, we spent a few sessions at Monkscroft Care Centre playing games with the residents. We had great fun! 

Decorating the Christmas Tree

On Monday 9th December 2019 some of the residents from Monkscroft Care Centre came into school to decorate our school Christmas tree. We used some of the decorations we had made when visiting in previous weeks. It was great fun, especially when we turned the lights on. Everyone's face lit up!

Carol Singing in the Community

On Monday 9th December 2019 our school choir went to Monkscroft Care Centre to sing some Christmas carols. It was lovely to see the reaction of the staff and residents. 
Throughout December a selection of KS2 children went to Monkscroft to make Christmas tree decorations with the residents and care team at Monkscroft Care Centre. We made paper origami angels and lolly stick Christmas trees. 

Year 3 performing their dance at Monkscroft Care Centre

Year 3 walked to Monkscroft Care Centre to perform our dance 'Walk Like An Egyptian'. The residents and staff loved it!  We then spent time talking to and dancing with the residents. We shared all of the Egyptian facts we had learnt in our lessons.  We had a lovely morning. 

Easter Craft

On the 23rd March Year 4 went to Monkscroft Care Centre for a craft session. With Easter just around the corner we decided to create paper plate Easter eggs. We all had a great time! 

World Book Day Visit to Monkscroft Care Centre

Year 4 went to Monkscroft Care Centre in their World Book Day costumes. We took our favourite book and some mindfulness colouring. 


"I enjoyed spending time with the residents and reading to all of them," exclaimed Nadia Y4. 

Reading at Monkscroft Care Centre

Year 4 took their school reading books and favourite books to share with the residents at Monkscroft Care Centre. We wanted to share our love of reading with the residents. Everyone had a great morning! 


"I loved going to Monkscroft because they listened to every word we said of our story," Libbie Y4. 
