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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Our Governors

Our Governors


A successful school is one where teachers, Governors and parents work together in partnership for the benefit of all the pupils. The Local Governing Committee must include two parents nominated by the parents and elected by them to the Local Governing Committee. It must also include one Staff Governor elected by the teaching and non-teaching staff at the school.  There are also Foundation Governors appointed for a four year period by the Diocese of Clifton.


The Local Governing Committee meets six times a year to deal with specific areas such as finance, premises, curriculum, staffing, admissions and appeals. Minutes of meetings are available for review in school. Governors are involved in producing the School Development Plan and the school budget, interviewing and appointing staff, Health & Safety, monitoring the general running of the school, supporting school discipline and good behaviour and maintaining the Catholic ethos of the school.


What do we do?


The Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team manage the day to day running of the school and the Governors work with them to determine the aims, objectives and policies in accordance with all the relevant legislation.  This involves looking at all the information and making decisions on, for example, the future direction of the school and how the budget should be spent. This is all done with the intention of giving the pupils at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School the best education possible: as Governors are volunteers, they need to be passionate about this as they often have to fit meetings in around busy work and/or home lives.


The Local Governing Committee is made up of parents, staff and people who represent the local community and partnership angles. Associate members are also appointed to give advice on specific aspects where appropriate. Governors  work as a team, both as a full Governing Board and in sub-committees, where a lot of the in-depth work is done.


Frequently Asked Questions


Who are our School Governors?
Our Local Governing Committee is made up of staff from the school, parents of children at the school and representatives of the local council and community.


What the Governors Do?
The school’s Governors oversees the school’s management and aims to ensure that all children at the school get the best possible education and are able to make the most of all the opportunities that come their way.


What Types of Governors Are There?
Types of Governors include Parent, Associate, Partnership, Co-opted and Staff.


What Are Governors Responsible For?
There are different sub-committees to which the Governors are assigned.  


If, having read this, you are interested in hearing more about becoming a Governor, please leave a message at the school or contact us on In the meantime we hope you find this page useful and informative.


Catherine (Cathy) HipkissFoundation Governor (Chair)
Julie Patricia (Pat) ClayfieldFoundation Governor (Vice Chair)
Rosemary DickFoundation Governor
Anthony (Tony) ComerFoundation Governor
Nicola (Nicky) LoweFoundation Governor
Holli BaronParent Governor
Subhashana ManaramParent Governor
Katie TurnerEx Officio (Head Teacher)
Rosalind (Ros) DeightonStaff Governor
Joanna NelmesClerk


Preferred names shown in brackets
