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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 3 - Samuel and Ezra

Welcome to Year 3.  Our current theme is 'The Romans'.  Ask us what we have been learning!

Home Learning Suggested Timetable

Useful websites

Hello Year 3,


We hope you had a lovely half term! Here is the Home Learning for this week!


We hope you are all keeping well. We are missing you all lots and hope to see you all soon!


Take care,


Miss Copson, Mr Holmes and the Year 3 Team

Term 6 Spellings

Hi Year 3, 


Here are this week's home learning challenges.  Hope you and your families are all well. Don't forget to share what you have been doing on Dojo.


Take care and stay safe,


Miss Copson, Mr Holmes and the Year 3 team

Our school has entered into the MoveMore school challenge.

As a school community we are going to see how far we can walk, run or cycle. We are going to record the distance we walk, run or cycle each day, and at the end of each week to send the total distance we have covered back to school. This will be added to all of the families at the school to give a school total.

Hello Year 3,


Hope you had a lovely Easter and you and your families are all well.  Here you will find this week's home learning challenges!  Don't forget to show us what you have been doing on Dojo - we love your updates!


Take care,


Miss Copson, Mr Holmes and the Year 3 team

Hello Year 3,


We hope you and your families are well and you are enjoying doing the activities we have set you.

As it is now the Easter holidays we have given you some ideas you might like to do with your families over the next two weeks if you choose.


We love seeing what you have been doing on Dojo and receiving you messages! Remember you can show us what you have been doing on your portfolio and through your messages. 


Cookie and Snowball are both well and are missing you all lots - as are we!!


Take care, stay safe and we will see you all soon,


Miss Copson, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Pierce, Mrs Carr and Mrs D'Gama

Snowball is missing you all lots!

Easter Activities

Mathletics -

Please log in to see assigned work, this will be updated each week and can be used alongside other work. Contact your teacher if you need a reminder of the username and password for your child.

At the beginning of each week we will upload work for you to do at home. There will be 5 English tasks, 5 maths tasks and 5 other tasks including geography, art, history and PE. Please record any work in the exercise book provided from school. Reading should still take place at least 3 times a week and practice of 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We hope you enjoy the activities set and look forward to seeing all of your home learning when we return to school. 
Don't forget you can use mathletics at home. Logins may be in your homework book. If not you can call the school office and they can let you know.

Home Learming Ideas

Find out what we are learning!

World Book Day - Share A Story

We had a lovely day celebrating all things books! We started the day by talking about our favourite books and stories.  We then listened to the story of Egyptian Cinderella and compared this to our traditional version of Cinderella and completed a book review.  We acted out our own version of the story.  We ended the day by sharing a story with our grown ups.  We had a lovely day!

We had a great time at We The Curious science museum in Bristol.  We spent time exploring the amazing science experiments around the museum including the huge hamster wheel, the incredible giant bubbles and the magnetic parachutes! We had an interesting science workshop about magnets and forces where we explored gravity, friction and air resistance.  We also all set off into space in the UK’s only 3D Planetarium! It was extraordinary to zoom past the planets in space! 


We had so much fun and learned so much throughout the day!


In Science, we have been learning about lots of different stones.  We have been describing their properties! We then moved on to looking at how fossils are formed.
In our music lesson, we learnt some notes on the glockenspiels.  We learnt to use C, G and A to play along to our class song.  We loved it!  We are looking forward to being able to sing and play at the same time!

Random Act of Kindness

We made Christmas cards, wrote a message and then delivered them to our local residents.  We had a lovely time making someone else's day!

A mystery shoe...

A mystery shoe has appeared in our classroom! We are using our question starters to speculate where it came from! After seeing the pantomime at Everyman Theatre, we think it might be Cinderella's!


Visit from PCSO Jon Glover

PCSO Jon Glover talking to us about anti-bullying. We learnt about what bullying is, the affect it has on others and the consequences of being a bully - individually and in groups. We learnt that it is important not to follow others and make our own choices!

School Beat Police Officer

Last week, a robbery was in progress at St Thomas More School.  Our KS2 police team investigated a broken window—the setting needed to be taped with police tape and evidence was     collected as a silver bracelet had vanished from a jewellery shop window! The KS2 Police Team investigated CCTV tapes, took finger prints and DNA and used a trained (pretend) police dog to find the suspect—it was Mrs Hibell! We even got to use REAL handcuffs! Mrs Hibell showed great remorse so we forgave her for her actions. Written by Klaudia, Y4 and Zofia and Maisy, Y3.


We have been exploring group balances in PE.  We combined our balances together to make a sequence.  We then practised different jumps and tried to beat our Personal Best.

Health Activator

Each week, we have been working with Mr Heepey, our school Health Activator.  Each week we have had a different focus - emotions, listening, friendship and stress.  This week we had a great time making our own stress balls to help us relax in stressful situations!
We wrote letters to Mrs Tippen asking her for a class pet.  She said YES!  We are now the proud owners of a pet Hamster, who we have named Snowball as he is write and fluffy! We love him! We have written instructions to tell people how to care for hamsters and written a non-chronological report about hamsters. Snowball has taught us about responsibilities and caring for God's creatures. 

World Mental Health Day - Hello Yellow

We used construction materials to make 3D shapes in maths! Can you name the shapes we've made?
We following instructions to make a James and the Giant Peach craft.  Then our parents came in to help us! We had a great day.  Following these instructions helped us to write our own instructions!

Random Act of Kindness

As part of Wellbeing Week, we drew a picture and packaged it up with a sweet treat! We then delivered the package to our local residents to boost their wellbeing and make their day! It made us feel good too!