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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Dealing with Complaints

Should parents/carers have any issues or concerns relating to their child and the school, these should be discussed initially with the relevant class teacher, who will try to resolve the matter informally.


If parents/carers are still concerned, they may contact the Head Teacher who will investigate the complaint.  We would hope that any complaint could be resolved satisfactorily through informal discussion between the parents/carers and the Head Teacher.  However, if the parents/carers still feel that the issue is unresolved, the Chair of Governors can then be contacted.   All complaints are dealt with following this DfE advice.  For further information please following this link


For a copy of our complaints form, please download a copy of our Complaints Policy & Procedure which can be found under the Policies link on the school website.  Alternatively, parents may contact the school office to request a paper copy of our Complaints Policy & Procedure.

Complaints Policy & Procedures
