St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
At St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, we believe children should remain hydrated and energised for health and educational reasons! All children in Foundation Stage and KS1 (Reception, Year 1, Year 2) are provided with a free snack each morning playtime.
Children in KS2 can bring a healthy snack and suggestions below may be useful to you.
Healthy snack suggestions for Key Stage 2 children (Years 3 to 6)
‘Run Faster’ snacks (energy giving)
malt loaf
hot cross bun
rice cakes (low salt version)
fruit/cereal bars (avoid ones with chocolate on!)
marmite on bread or rice cakes
‘Muscle growing’ snacks (protein giving)
diced cheese
pineapple and cheese
seeds e.g sunflower, pumpkin
‘Healthy bodies’ snacks (vitamins to help eyes & skin, resist colds etc)
dried fruit e.g. apricots, mango, banana, raisins, cranberries, cherries
fruit smoothies (carton, plastic bottle or home-made)
vegetable sticks e.g. carrot, pepper
fresh fruit e.g. banana, apple, kiwi (cut in half at home and provide spoon, grapes)
Drinking Water
All children are encouraged to bring in their own water bottle each day and take it home to be washed and refilled. They are encouraged to drink this throughout the day! There may be rules about when this is most appropriate.
Beakers and a drinking water tap are available in all classrooms for children who do not have a water bottle of their own.