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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 2 Ruth

Welcome to our Year 2 Ruth page. On this page you will find copies of our termly homework tasks, spellings and details of the learning that will take place. We will also upload lots of photos to show off our fantastic class and what we have been up to. 

We have a busy Summer term ahead learning about the history of St Thomas More Church, animals including humans in Science and we will be writing diaries, stories and reports in English. We will be focusing on our times tables in Maths using our knowledge of numbers and grouping. We hope you enjoy looking at our Year 2 page.

Mrs Cook

We had lots of fun designing, making, tasting and evaluating our pizza's in DT.

Month of Mary Procession

We enjoyed learning all about 'feelings' with Alex from Life Education

Fun in the sunshine on an Easter egg hunt!

A super day was had by everyone at 'All Things Wild'

Our Lent Liturgy

'Fizz, Pop, Science' session all about rainbows and bubbles

Our 'Where the wild things are' monsters!

We made clay sculptures in DT based on the work of Andy Goldsworthy

We had fun planting cress and broad bean seeds in science as part of our topic about plants

A super music session with 'Ready, Steady, Play' this morning.

We have used our creative skills this week to create an interpretation of Mary and Joseph's Journey. We produced some amazing artwork.

Painting our clay pots

Year 2 had a great afternoon making our Christmas decorations!

Super singing, dancing and speaking skills in our Christmas performance

Great catching and batting skills in cricket this afternoon!

Some super reading in Year 1 and Year 2 this morning

In RE this week we learnt about the origins of the Christmas Crib. First we made and drew our own!

In geography this week we learnt all about the continent Europe

We celebrated World Food Day

We celebrated World Food Day by talking about our favourite foods and which country they originated from. We made Welsh cakes from Wales and tasted them! They were delicious!

In English we followed some instructions verbally to make a stick puppet character.

We enjoyed learning a new song and moving to the beat in music this week

We went on a fact hunt all about Florence Nightingale this afternoon!

In computing we talked about what information to share on the internet and what not to share

We have been learning about tens and ones in Maths
