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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 Esther class page!

Take a look at the exciting things we've been doing so far this year.

Year 4 Suggested Reading List

Year 4 had a great afternoon making burgers with Debbie and Keri in the school kitchen. We began by learning about safety when working in a kitchen. We had to put our gloves on and wear hair nets so that we were hygienic. We learnt how to safely prepare a salad and then came the best bit, we put our hands into the meat mixture and squeezed it to mix it. It was really fun learning how to make a tasty burger and then eating it on the school field in the sunshine! 

On 1st June, Year 3 and Year 4 went to Pates’ Grammar School for their Language Festival.  At the start, we learnt how to do Flamenco dancing—it was amazing!  We then split into groups A, B,  C and D.  We learnt two languages before the first break.  We learnt a range of languages including Mandarin, Spanish, French, German, British Sign Language and Urdu.  Before we left, we then learnt some Russian dancing.  It was magnificent!  Finally, we ending our adventure with lunch at the park!  What a day! Written by Leon, Gabriel and Jacob, Y3.

'In the Net' - Internet Safety

On Tuesday 11th June Year 4 went to The Catholic School of St Gregory the Great to see a spectacular performance called 'In the Net.' We met a young girl called Dotty. It was her birthday and she had received a new IPAD as a present. In a flash, she was transported inside the internet where she met lots of different characters such as: ICON, SPAM, Uh Oh, Viruse and password. We watched her journey as she learnt how to be safe on the internet. Our favourite part was learning the song, 'Shut down the screen, that you have seen and tell an adult in a trice …. that means quickly.' We will make sure to use all that we have learnt whenever we use devices that access the internet. 



On Friday the 7th of June we had a real life archaeologists come into our classroom to share her knowledge of the Maya people. Her name was Dr. Diana Davies and we she was inspirational and knew a lot about the Maya civilisation. She is the number one and only expert in the whole of the UK, so it was really special that she came into our school. She taught us all about what made the Maya so special. These were: pyramids, stela(e), ball games, chocolate, art, writing, calendar and how they even link with Star Wars all from the trickiest place to live - a rainforest. We learnt so much and can't wait to continue our learning about the Maya civilisation.

World Book Day!

This World Book Day has been all about 'Sharing a Story.' We had a great day sharing stories, we even dressed up as our favourite characters. Can you guess what characters we are? 

On the 25th February we went to Bristol to the marvellous museum 'We The Curious.' We had a great time exploring the museum, 'Winter Stargazing' in the planetarium and exploring fossils during our workshop. We loved learning about the constellations in our galaxy in the spectacular 3D planetarium. Everyone had a great time exploring animation. We were able to create our own animations in very different ways. We would love to go again!  

We Made Our Own Erupting Volcanoes!

The first step was to get a plastic bottle and scrunch up newspaper, sticking it to the bottle with masking tape. We had to make sure it was a cone shape so it would look like a volcano. Also, we had to make sure we took the lid off the plastic bottle! 
We then had to add Modroc our models. This was very tricky. We had to make sure it was smooth. We got very messy! Once it was dry we were able to paint it using browns, oranges and reds. 

Our Finished Volcanoes!

The best part was when we got to watch our volcanoes erupt! It was like watching a mini version of a real volcano. It was nerve-wracking to see whether they were going to erupt or not.

STEM Engagement Day!

On Monday the 11th February we had a visit from Spirax Sarco and the Cheltenham Science group. They had planned some great activities for us. We built a LEGO car and had to make different modifications to it to improve the distance it travelled down the big ramp. We looked at the weight, aerodynamics and friction and changed/improved our cars to make them travel further. Some of the results were surprising! 