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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education


Computing at St Thomas More

  • At St Thomas More Catholic Primary School we believe that each child deserves to reach their full potential. We follow the example Jesus sets in John 10:10 and believe that we must also act as a guide to our pupils to realise this potential.

  • We follow the National Curriculum for Computing. Lessons and outcomes are planned so that the pupils can achieve the best outcomes possible.

  • The children use laptops, tablets and interactive whiteboards within lessons.  

  • The programme of teaching and learning provides a broad spectrum of computing experience covering three main topics, e-safety, processing and programming.

  • Regular cross-curricular opportunities enable children to experience computing within different contexts and with varying purposes and outcomes.

  • Children use laptops, tablets and interactive whiteboards within lessons

  • Children are well equipped to keep safe online and know what they need to do if they ever feel uncomfortable with online context.  

  • The practical, communication and safety skills enable pupils to take part in the swiftly developing world and prepare them to meet the future with confidence.

  • Unit assessments of how well pupils develop their understanding of the computing concepts are used, so that progress can be tracked and misconceptions supported.     



Intent, Implementation and Impact

Photography Club, have used the tablets to take a variety of pictures based around, fruit, God, Nature and Pumpkins. They have also edited the photos with different filters, drawings and images to create extra emphasis! 

Safer Internet Workshop

On Internet Safety Day we had a workshop to give us lots of information about staying safe online. We learnt a lot. We completed the toothpaste challenge. This was to remind us that once something is said or is out there, it is very hard, if not impossible, to put it back. This was to help make us aware of the choices we are making online and the impact they can have. 
