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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 Joshua and Samuel. 

We hope you enjoy looking at all of our exciting learning. 

Year 2 Suggested Reading List

Year 2 Trip to Over Farm 


Year 2 Joshua and Samuel had a fantastic day at Over Farm. We were able to feed the pigs, goats and donkeys and see lots of other animals. A highlight was seeing a huge ostrich keeping her 3 eggs warm. Our teacher, Alyson, then showed us all of the vegetables that are grown on the farm. They had recently planted 10,000 pumpkin seeds! We got to pick some asparagus and rhubarb. The following day we turned the rhubarb into delicious rhubarb crumble!

All Things Wild 


On Thursday 28th of March Year 2 travelled to All Things Wild on a school trip. They had a fantastic time learning about the different habitats and adaptations animals have in order to live there. They all really enjoyed their day and even the rain didn't put a dampener on proceedings.
