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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

πŸ‘‘ Jubilee Week πŸ‘‘

Monday is the first day of our Jubilee celebrations.  In History today we will be looking back at the reign of Queen Elizabeth II and learning lots of important facts about the Queen and looking at the timeline of her reign.


We will then be taking part in a fun Arts & DT day where we will be making Jubilee bunting for our Street Party, suncatchers, a model of the Queen, stone decorating and designing our own Jubilee stamp for a competition.  


We will also be creating a whole school piece of artwork where every pupil and member of staff will be contributing to two giant Union flags which will be displayed in the School.


We are looking forward to a fun-packed day and can't wait for our Street Party tomorrow!!!   πŸ’—πŸ€πŸ’™ 




