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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Holiday Free School Meals Voucher Scheme

This Easter holidays, Gloucestershire County Council is providing vouchers to parents who have signed up to their Holiday Free School Meals (FSM) scheme.  These vouchers are provided by Gloucestershire County Council as part of its commitment to ‘No child goes hungry’. The vouchers are funded through COVID-19 grant funding and is separate to that of the term time free school meals.


Parents who have signed up to the scheme will receive a voucher for £30 for each child who is eligible for FSM which will cover both the two weeks of the Spring holiday. The scheme is eligible for children aged 4-16 years old. 


Parents who have signed up previously do not need to re-register, they have already been included, but, to ensure we get all who are eligible, we are encouraging new parents to sign up as soon as they can.


For parents who have already signed upif more of their children have become entitled to free school meals since they applied, please ask them to contact us so we can update their amount, as this not an automatic process.


Applications for Holiday Free School Meal Vouchers is now open until 4th April. Voucher emails will be sent out between 6th and 7th April.  Please check their junk/spam email folders during this period as sometimes the vouchers end up there. If parents have not received their vouchers by then please get in contact with them by emailing


For more information and to sign up if you haven't already please visit their website: the Holiday School Meal vouchers page. 
