St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
Your child will have their own coat peg where their coats and belongings can be kept. We ask that each child brings in a bag (no carrier bags please) with at least one change of clothes, a sun hat and sun cream on warm days and scarves, gloves and Wellingtons for cold/wet days. Your child is welcome to bring some slippers or soft soled shoes to wear indoors, that would be great. Children will have access to the outdoors daily regardless of the weather and it is therefore important that they have suitable clothing. We believe that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing! Please also choose appropriate clothing to allow children to take part in all activities. For example shoes that slip on and off make it difficult and unsafe for children to take full advantage of physical activities such as climbing and running.
Please ensure that all clothes, creams, hats etc are clearly labelled with your child’s full name. We will make every effort to keep your child’s belongings safe but we cannot be held responsible for items that get lost.
We advise not to send your child in their best clothes. Children will have the opportunity to take part in lots of messy play activities and whilst we encourage children to wear aprons, there will be times when children may get paint or mud on themselves.
If your child is in nappies please bring in spare nappies, wipes and creams in their bag and if they are toilet training please also bring in extra sets of clothes and ensure they are suitable for children to be able to use the toilet or potty quickly (no belts or tricky buttons).