St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
RSHE at St Thomas More
The DfE guidance states that “children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way”1 .
1. RSE is about the development of the pupil’s knowledge and understanding of herself or himself as a sexual being, about what it means to be fully human, called to live in healthy relationships and being enabled to make moral decisions in conscience.
2. The focus will be on “teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.”2 This will include the topics of families and the people of who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe.
Our aim is for all children to become confident, creative and engaged learners who achieve their full God-given potential. We aim to inspire curiosity and fascination about our local communities as well as our world community.
At St Thomas More, we recognise the innate dignity of the human person and believe that all children have self-respect as well respect for each other and this underpins all of our human relationships. We want all children to know their true value as they are made by God and in the image of God.
We ensure that through the lens of faith we develop individual, unique people and form the foundations of them being able to contribute to society. Our school vision is that as a Catholic school, God is at the heart of all we do. We believe that each person is made in His image, deserving to be treated with respect and dignity. Showing respect, love and care for everyone and everything, we aim to develop harmony between pupils, parents the school and Parish and grow as a Christian community. We aim to enable each individual to realise their full potential, spiritually, academically, physically, socially and emotionally.
We deliver our Relationship, Health and Sex Education through a fully integrated and holistic programme called ‘Life to The Full’. The programme is created using the model curriculum from the Catholic Education Service. The content is delivered in a variety of ways to engage, inform and inspire both staff and pupils. Interactive videos, story based activities, original music and prayer form the basis of lessons.
Programme Structure: ‘In Life to the Full’
We will be following a four-stage structure and carefully linked to our PSHCE and Computing curriculum:
□ Key Stage One is aimed at Years 1 and 2
□ Lower Key Stage Two is aimed at Years 3 and 4
□ Upper Key Stage Two is aimed at Years 5 and 6
Within each learning stage, there are three modules which are based on the Model Catholic RSE Curriculum:
Children will leave St Thomas More Catholic Primary School as pupils who:
To develop the following personal and social skills:
To know and understand: