St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Inspiration, Celebration and Education
When your child starts our nursery you will be offered some free of charge settling in visits. These are usually shorter than a normal session and you will be encouraged to stay with your child as long as you feel comfortable and leave them when you are both ready. We do not stipulate a set number of settling in visits or times as we know that children are all individual and what may suit one child may not suit another. Therefore you are encouraged to plan for your settling in visits to take place 1 to 2 weeks before your child is due to start with us.
Prior to settling in you would have already completed our registration paperwork and permission forms. On your first settling in visit you will be introduced to the practitioners that are going to be caring for your child and you will be given more information about the nursery. This will include what your child needs to bring with them and information about where to find our nursery policies and procedures. You will also be able to ask any questions you may have.
Your key carer will visit you and your child at home prior to your child starting, this is to meet your child and find out more about their likes and dislikes in an environment that is familiar to them. We find that completing home visits allows us to build relationships with the children before they begin at nursery and therefore making the transition to nursery smoother.