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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

A Message from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents


Mrs Tippen wrote to you recently confirming the wonderful news that St Thomas More Catholic Primary School was judged a ‘Good’ school following the recent Ofsted inspection.


The Governors have seen how the leaders, teachers, staff and parents have all worked together to ensure that our children develop a love of learning and have an all-round education.  The inspector commented that ‘pupils have positive attitudes to their learning’, that ‘behaviour across the school is calm and sensible’, and that ‘pupils take care of each other and manage their own feelings well’.


We also acknowledge the dedication of the leaders and staff in the school and how they have been ambitious for all pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).  The inspector commented on how confident pupils are becoming with reading and maths, which we know is as a result of how well the subject leads and the class teachers work together to help all children learn and develop, understanding their individual needs and adapting the learning appropriately.


We continue to be ‘Good’ for safeguarding and it is really important to us that children feel safe in the school, that they know who to speak to if they have a concern or worry and they know how to stay safe when online.


Thank you too, to parents and carers who support their children’s learning at home and in school which the governors have no doubt plays a significant part in children becoming confident, resilient and independent learners.


It has been another busy school year and it is really wonderful to round of the year with such a pleasing and encouraging Ofsted report. We were very proud that the inspector recognised that ’pupils are at the heart of this caring and inclusive school’.


We wish you all a very happy and enjoyable summer break.


With kind regards


Cathy Hipkiss

Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governing Board
