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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 Ruth's page!

We know that you will be excited to see and read everything that we have been learning about.

Check back through the term to see what new things we have been up tosmiley

Year 1 Suggested Reading List

Our Japanese Morning- 24th May 2019

Year 1 Month of Mary Liturgy

Last week, we had our Month of Mary Procession. Year 1 did such an amazing job telling everyone about the life of Mary and how we use the Rosary. I am so proud of how well each of you did, standing up to speak and act so well. Well done! laugh

Space Day- Our Amazing Rocket Launch!

Friday 3rd May was Space Day and we spent the morning learning all about the planets in our solar system. We imagined we were the first people to visit Mars and watched an amazing video about 'Opportunity' the rover on Mars. Ask us what we found out! Finally, we launched a rocket outside. The bubbles in the tube pushed the lid off and it blasted off into the air!


We have had such a great term learning all about toys. 

We started off by looking at the story 'Dogger' and Miss Fisk lost our class teddy, Star!

We went on a bear hunt and had a Teddy Bear Picnic with all of our teddies. 

Then we made some toys and wrote instructions for how to make them. 

We also had an exciting delivery from the Museum- a box of very old toys! 

We played with them and compared them to toys we like to play with. We looked at how toys have changed since the 1950's and wrote non-chronological reports about them.

We finished the term with a whole day of DT, learning about mechanisms and making some moving pictures.

The children have worked so hard this term!

See you for term 4!
