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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Year 2 Ruth

Welcome to the Year 2 class page. During the summer term we will be learning about plants in science and our history unit is all about our school and the decade it was built....the 70's! In Maths we will be recapping all of the skills we have learnt so far this year and in English we are doing lots of writing using books about the beach to inspire us. Below are our spellings and homework for the Summer term, the homework links in with the topics taught in class. Any questions then please just ask or email me on

Mrs Cook

Summer term 6 homework and spellings

Summer term 5 spellings and homework

Spring term 4 spellings and homework

Autumn Term 2 spellings and homework

Autumn term 1 spellings and homework

We wrote postcards about our trip and posted them home to our families.

We had a super day at Weston-Super-Mare!

Our new science unit is all about plants! Today we went outside and drew some flowers and trees.

Investigating how different materials can change their shape in Science

Learning how to use power point in our processing lesson

Geography work in Year 2: naming countries and continents, compass directions and map work

Let's count!

Making our pet scrubbing brush in English

Learning about different countries in our key worker group

History in Year 2: Florence Nightingale and The Wright Brothers

What have we been up to this term?

In science we have been learning all about plants. We planted beans and observed the growth made. We learnt that plants need water, light, nutrients and soil to survive. 
In RE we learnt all about advent. We made an advent wreath and learnt about the candles and the evergreen leaves.
In phonics we have been learning new rhymes to go with our sounds. We have some super readers in Year 2.
In English we followed instructions to make a stick puppet. We then made and wrote a set of instructions to make a ladder for Rapunzel to escape from the tower on.
In Art we have been looking at African art work. We designed headbands using different patterns and colours.