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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Week 1

Our next family challenge is starting. Lunch is one of my trickiest meals in the day as I am often on the go and still want a nutritious meal. It is similar for my children: they also struggle with lunch ideas and fall into the "same old" trap. 


This is why we've created this challenge: to give adults and children some fresh lunch ideas while educating them about different food groups. There will be 4 installments of this challenge. As you will see, the challenge comprises of 

  1. explanation of a different food group (this week: Team carbohydrates)
  2. a lunch recipe that can be eaten at home on weekends and/or brought to school (and work!) in a lunch box
  3.  an activity (wordsearch for this week) and 
  4. an interactive quiz focusing on the specific food group. Here is the link to the quiz for this week:

