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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

School Council

2022 School Council Elections


Last week, we took to the polls to elect this years School Council representatives. After some magnificent election speeches by children in Key Stage 2 each class had a difficult decision to make.

The children in each class then cast their votes in a secret ballot. It was a very tight contest in some year groups but after all the ballot papers were counted and checked two children were chosen from each class.

On Friday, the winners were announced in Celebration Assembly by Mrs Çerikan. 

Here are our new School Councillors:


Archie and RezvikaYear 3 Samuel
Mikolaj and FreddieYear 4 Esther
Freya and ReeceYear 5 Ezra
Kyla- Mai and JacobYear 5 Isaiah
Alicia and ValentinaYear 6 Jeremiah


Well done to all the candidates- you should be very proud of yourselves- and well done to the whole school for an exercise in democracy!


Election Speeches

Voting by Secret Ballot
