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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Parent’s Testimonials

“St Thomas More Catholic Primary School is a very welcoming, friendly and understanding school. The staff are all welcoming, approachable and helpful. Having all three of my children attend and still attend the school they are full of confidence and have been well supported ready for the next part of their learning journey. I would recommend this school to anyone!”


“I have found St Thomas More to be a caring school. I have 3 children at the school and they have all thoroughly enjoyed there time here. They especially enjoy their themed learning, learning a different topic every term, and after school clubs have been very popular. I am very pleased with the support all of my children have received and how the school has shaped them throughout the years they have been here. I would highly recommend the school to any new parents!”


“St Thomas More Primary School has a friendly close knit community spirit. They have a snack and chat morning on every Friday, which make all new parents welcome. Having two children here at different levels, the school support and encourage them to the best of their ability. Highly recommend this school.” AB


“Having been involved with the school for the last six years I have found the school to be a very friendly and loving environment. I would recommend the school to any parent.”

THANK YOU                                                                         



Dear St. Thomas More Primary School


As some of you may be aware, today is the last day of school for our son K   (Y1) at St. Thomas More as he is to move to a school near to our Family home come September.


We would like to take this chance to express our deep gratitude to all the hard work that each and every one of you puts into making the school such a warm and welcoming place where children’s needs come first.


We were apprehensive and had many preconceptions when we were first allocated St. Thomas More back in September 2015, these have since been proven to be completely wrong. What we have found is a school where everyone is treated as equals and a school where education is taught in a fun, friendly and engaging manner.


Over the last 2 years K has flourished under the teaching of not only Mrs Margerison and Miss Cole but also the excellent TA’s within his classes.  We believe the level of teaching K   has received is also reflective of everyone  of you who make the school what it is.  Without everyone working in unison the level of teaching displayed would not be possible.


We will not forget the impact you have had on K   as an individual as well as a pupil and we wish the school only the best for the future and will keep a heartfelt interest in the school and how it continues to flourish in the coming years.


Once again thank you all and we wish you all a pleasant and relaxing summer.


Kindest regards


Mr and Mrs H
