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St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Inspiration, Celebration and Education

Key Person

The Early Years Foundation Stage recognises that children learn better when they feel emotionally safe and secure, giving them the confidence needed to explore their environment.


Therefore when your child starts with us they will be assigned a ‘key person’. This is a member of staff that works in the room where your child will be based and will be responsible for completing settling in information with the parents, developing a relationship with the child enabling them to feel secure with their key carer and completing learning journeys for your child to show their developmental level and the progress they are making.


If your child wears nappies or needs support with toileting or feeding, wherever possible it will be the key person who is responsible for this.  It gives you, the parent a named contact that you can approach to discuss who your child is getting on and any concerns you may have.  Wherever possible your child’s key person will welcome you and your child on arrival and give you feedback at the end of the session.
